If there is one thing that Colorado is known for by sportsmen - it’s Elk Hunting! Colorado boasts the largest population of elk in the country, and is the last state in the nation to offer over-the-counter licenses. North Park’s resident elk heard numbers are estimated to be nearly 10,000. Because of this, we are able to offer excellent elk hunting opportunities. Our unique area consisting of large sage and grass covered hillsides, open aspen draws, and steep timbered ridges that rise up to alpine mountain tops, creating the perfect elk habitat.
In Unit 6, Archery (either sex), Second, and Third Rifle Seasons offer Over-the-Counter Bull Licenses. Cow Licenses are available over-the-counter via the Leftover Draw for any season. Refer to the State Parks & Wildlife’s website at www.cpw.state.co.us, for the Leftover License list and the availability of any Bull or Cow Leftover Licenses, after August 1st. These licenses, and standard over-the-counter Bull licenses are available at any licensed agent (local sports shop), State Parks & Wildlife offices, or the CPW website. We recommend you buy them online! Either Sex Licenses for Muzzleloader, 1st Rifle, and 4th Rifle, as well as all Unit 7 licenses are by Drawing-Only, and you must apply by April 1st.
There have been leftovers available in the past, so check the list on the CPW website. These go on sale online after August 1st. For season dates and license fees click on,
Ask about our Greater Sage Grouse & Muzzleloader Elk Combo!